Changing the speed

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Alternative financial resources are trapping hard working Americans in a merry-go-round of non-valued products that do not create any form of a financial fingerprint. Struggling to get though each month has become a harder and harder process for them.

These two extraordinary books is about consumers creating their own strategies for building wealth. Both books will help consumers create a Wealth Conscious mind-set over a Poverty Conscious mind-set. They will provide consumers with the major factors to create the focus of accumulating wealth. The better long-term solution is to help consumers learn how to systematically self-review, self-correct, and protect their financial future and valuable assets.

Wealth Increasing Now

Introducing: Action Influence is simply taking the definition of paradigm and applying its meaning to influence your financial decisions. You must recognize the shift, adjust and focus on creating wealth for the next generation.

Unlocking Wealth

This book contains all of the key elements to provide a way of life and protect that way of life in order to preservthe quality of life. 

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